Write anything faster, more effectively, and with greater confidence

Laura Brown

How to Write Anything

Write anything faster, more effectively, and with greater confidence

Good Writing is Good for Business

Which means bad writing is bad for business.

How much time do you or your employees spend writing emails, proposals, and everything else that drives your business? How much of that time is spent following up on unclear directives, re-aligning from a miscommunication, or just overthinking and revising a presentation? You could be losing precious time and opportunities to poor communication.

The quality of communication has real business consequences.


communication leads to


increased productivity


boosted customer satisfaction


raised employee confidence


communication leads to


decreased productivity


extended timelines


increased costs

Writing Training Can Improve Your Team’s Communication

As an established expert in business writing, Laura Brown has helped dozens of organizations communicate more effectively and with greater impact.

Her workshops:

  • Meet participants where they are and build from there

  • Teach the “why” behind good communication practices

  • Build confidence and resilience

  • Develop transferrable skills in reasoning and argumentation

  • Position participants to continue to grow after the training

“If youʼre looking for a writing coach, you need look no further than Laura Brown

Dennis Green, Director, School of Continuing Education, Columbia University

Get Started

See how Laura can help you and your team start writing more effectively and impactfully today.